click below links to download your choice of books related to Operating System:
Operating System Concepts by Galvin, Silberscatz John Weiley & Sons
Operating System Concepts by Galvin, Silberscatz John Weiley & Sons Solution Manual
Operating System Design & Implementation by Tanenbaum
Operating system concepts Galvin, Silberscatz John Weiley & Sons 7th Edison
Operating System Concepts by Galvin, Silberscatz John Weiley & Sons
Operating System Concepts by Galvin, Silberscatz John Weiley & Sons Solution Manual
Operating System Design & Implementation by Tanenbaum
Operating system concepts Galvin, Silberscatz John Weiley & Sons 7th Edison
This entry was posted on Monday, August 15, 2011 at 10:30 AM. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response.
U r doing a gr8 job!!! Thanks a ton!!!
By the way, Operating Systems by Galvin, Silberchatz solution manual is not available...plz update...
Thank you!! :)
Thanks a ton for the recommendations. I also found a link with some useful online GATE mock tests, which might be good to practice with: