After pursuing engineering, all engineering students stand at the crossroad of making a decisive choice so as to explore interesting avenues as a choice for their careers. A majority of people opt for mainly two things that are management or M.Tech. With the current economic scenario of the India, there are various colleges that are not able to give 100% placement to their students. This results in candidates making a tough choice between management and M.Tech. In order to get admission in M.Tech the examination that holds significant importance on national as well as international level is GATE.
What Is GATE?
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all-India examination administered and conducted in eight zones across the country by the GATE Committee comprising faculty from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordinating Board - GATE, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India.
GATE Exam:
The examination is a single paper of three-hour duration of the objective type. Negative marking is adopted for some questions in the paper. The results of qualifying candidates will be ranked on an all-India basis and indicate a percentile score. A percentile score of 99 means one is in the top one per cent category of the candidates who appeared for GATE. Candidates who get less than 70 percentile get no score card.
GATE scores are valid for 2 years. One can reappear for the GATE exam if one is not satisfied with the earlier score. The new score (if better than the old one) will be used for admission.Students have to apply to individual institutes and get application forms after the GATE results are out. M.Tech. course admission details are advertised in leading newspapers from April 1 till July end. However, some institutes do not advertise and students should approach them directly for the forms. The concerned institute may conduct a written test and/or interview for admission.
Students of M.Tech. are paid scholarships by the Government of India for the entire 18-month period.
What is the Date and Time of GATE Exam?
GATE is usually held on the second Sunday of February every year. Candidates will be required to appear in a single paper of three hours duration. The examination will be held on second Sunday of February from 0930 to 1230 hrs.
CUT-OFF Scores From Various Institutions:
Each institute has its own cut off percentage in the GATE score. We are trying to get information regarding the history of cut-off scores from all institutions. We will be putting in that information as soon as it comes available. For now, here is the information we have gathered so far.
Typical cut-off scores:
1. Above 96 Percentile: IITs., IISC
2. Between 85-96 Percentile: NITs (previously called as RECs)
3. Less than 85 perentile: Other institutes
The GATE cutoff scores for IITs are as follows.
For Electronics and Communication

General 620
OBC 615
SC 430
ST 375
Important Dates For GATE 2012:
Note:Pre-final year students are not eligible to write GATE 2012
Commencement of Online Application submission
Monday     12 September         2011 (00:00 Hrs)
Last date for Submission of Online Application (website closure)
Monday 17 October 2011 (23:00 Hrs)
Last date for the receipt of printed version of ONLINE Application at the respective zonal GATE Office     Monday 24 October 2011
Zonal GATE website display of final list of registered candidates, choices of test paper and examination city Friday     09 December 2011
Availability of admit card on zonal GATE websites
 Monday     02 January 2012
GATE 2012 Offline Examination Papers:
BT, CE, CH, CS, ME, PH and PI     Sunday     12 February 2012 (09:00 Hrs to 12:00 Hrs)
GATE 2012 Offline Examination Papers:
CY, EC, EE, IN, MA, MT, XE and XL     Sunday     12 February 2012 (14:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs)
Announcement of results
Thursday     15 March 2012 (10:00 Hrs)
M.Tech admissions 2012
15 March 2012 till July 2012

Downloads Question papers Electronics & Communication(EC):


Gate ECE Papers With Answer key & Explanation 1991-2008

Gate ECE Papers With Answer key & Explanation 2009-10

Gate By R.K. Kanodia

GATE 2011 Solution -Anskey & Explanation- ECE | CS | EEE | ME |

GATE 2012 Solution -Anskey & Explanation- ECE | CS | EEE | ME |

Downloads Question Papers for Computer Science(CS-IT): 

CS1991 | CS1992 | CS1993 | CS1994 | CS1995 | CS1996 | CS1997 | CS1998 | CS1999 
CS2000 | CS2001 | CS2002 | CS2003 | CS2004 | CS2005 | CS2006 | CS2007 | CS2008
CS2009 | CS2010 | CS2011  | CS2012 

Downloads Question Papers for Electrical & Electronics(EEE): 

EE1991 | EE1992 | EE1993 | EE1994 | EE1995 | EE1996 | EE1997 | EE1998 | EE1999 
EE2000 | EE2001 | EE2002 | EE2003 | EE2004 | EE2005 | EE2006 | EE2007 | EE2008
EE2009 | EE2010 | EE2011  | EE2012
Downloads Question Papers for Mechanical  Engineeres(ME):

ME1992 | ME1993 | ME1994 | ME1995 | ME1996 | ME1997 | ME1998 | ME1999 | ME2000 | ME2001 | ME2002 | ME2003 | ME2004 | ME2005 | ME2006 | ME2007 | ME2008 | ME2009 | ME2010 | ME2011  | ME2012

by Rakesh Sahu. 27 Comments

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