Archive for 08/01/2010 - 09/01/2010
Lecture - Introduction to Digital Circuits Part-1:
Lecture - Introduction to Digital Circuits Part-2:
Lecture - Combinational Logic Basics:
Lecture - Combinatioal Circuits:
Lecture - Logic Simplification:
Lecture - Karnaugh Maps And Implicants:
Lecture - Logic Minimization Using Karnaugh Maps:
Lecture - Karnaugh Map Minimization Using Maxterms:
Lecture - Code Converters:
Lecture - Parity Generator And Display Decoder:
Lecture - Arithmetic Circuit:
Lecture - Cary Look Ahead Adders:
Lecture - Subtractors:
Lecture - 2's Complement Subtractor And BCD Adder:
Lecture - Introduction to Sequential Circuits:
Lecture - S-R,J-K,D Flip Flops:
Lecture - J-K and T Flip Flops:
Lecture - Triggering Mechanisms of Flip Flops and Counters:
Lecture - Application of Shift Registers:
Lecture - Semiconductor Material:
Lecture - PN Junction Diode:
Lecture - Diode Equivalent Circuits:
Lecture - Diode Rectifier Circuits:
Lecture - Clipping and Clamping Circuits:
Lecture - Transistor Operation:
Lecture - Biasing the BJT Part-1:
Lecture - Biasing the BJT Part-2:
Lecture - BJT Small Signal Analysis:
Lecture - BJT Amplifier-Part-1:
Lecture - BJT Amplifier Part - 2:
Lecture - Frequency Response of BJT Analysis:
Lecture - Bipolar Junction Transistor:
Lecture - Transistor as a Switch:
click below links to download your choice of books related to Data communication & Networking:
Data communication & Networking By Behrouz A. Forouzan, 4th Edition
Data communication & Networking By Behrouz A. Forouzan, 3th Edition
Data communication & Networking By Behrouz A. Forouzan-Solution Manual
Computer Networking By James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross
Data And Computer Communications - william stallings, 5th Edition
Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 4th Ed
Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 4th Ed-Solution Manual
I'm trying to find more books for Data communication & Networking.
as fast as i would get,i'll upload it soon.meanwhile download available books.
Other Ebooks Link:
Analog And Digital Communication System
Analog Electronics Ckt
Control System
Cryptography & Network Security
Data communication & Networking
Digital Electronics ckt
Electromagnetic Theory
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Engineering Mathematics
Microcontroller & Embedded System
Microwave Communication & Engineering
Mobile & Cellular Communication
Satellite Communication
Signal And System
Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices, 4th Ed - William Stallings
Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices,William Stallings Solution Manual
Cryptography and Network Security Lecture
Cryptography and Network Security-notes By Prof. Christof Paar
I'm trying to find more books for Cryptography & Secure Communication.
as fast as i would get,i'll upload it soon.meanwhile download available books.
Other Ebook Links:
Analog And Digital Communication System
Analog Electronics Ckt
Control System
Cryptography & Network Security
Data communication & Networking
Digital Electronics ckt
Electromagnetic Theory
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Engineering Mathematics
Microcontroller & Embedded System
Microwave Communication & Engineering
Mobile & Cellular Communication
Satellite Communication
Signal And System
Satellite Communications Systems By Gerard Maral & MichelBousquet, Fifth Edition
Handbook on Satellite Communications 3rd Edition, Wiley Pub.
Satellite Communication by Dennis Roddy
I'm trying to find more books for Satellite Communication.
as fast as i would get,i'll upload it soon.meanwhile download available books.
Other Ebooks Link:
Analog And Digital Communication System
Analog Electronics Ckt
Control System
Cryptography & Network Security
Data communication & Networking
Digital Electronics ckt
Electromagnetic Theory
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Engineering Mathematics
Microcontroller & Embedded System
Microwave Communication & Engineering
Mobile & Cellular Communication
Satellite Communication
Signal And System
click below links to download your choice of books related to Microcontroller & Embedded System:
The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using Assembly and C by Mazidi, Mazidi & McKinlay, 2nd Ed.,PHI
Solution Manual of The8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by Mazidi, Mazidi & McKinlay, PHI
The8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by Mazidi, Mazidi & McKinlay, PHI
8051 Programming, Interfacing and Applications by K.J.Ayala, Penram Pub.
The 8051 Microcontroller By I. Scott MacKenzie, 2nd Edition
I'm trying to find more books for Microcontroller & Embedded System.
as fast as i would get,i'll upload it soon.meanwhile download available books.
Other Ebooks Link:
Analog And Digital Communication System
Analog Electronics Ckt
Control System
Cryptography & Network Security
Data communication & Networking
Digital Electronics ckt
Electromagnetic Theory
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Engineering Mathematics
Microcontroller & Embedded System
Microwave Communication & Engineering
Mobile & Cellular Communication
Satellite Communication
Signal And System
click below links to download your choice of books related to Microwave Communication & Engineering:
Foundations of Microwave Engineering by R .E. Collin, 2nd Edition, TMH Pub.
Microwave Devices and Circuits by Samuel Y. Liao, 3rd Ed., Pearson Education
Microwave Transistor Amplifiers Analysis & Design by Guillermo Gonzalez,2nd Edition
I'm trying to find more books for Microwave Communication & Engineering.
as fast as i would get,i'll upload it soon.meanwhile download available books.
Other Ebooks Link:
Analog And Digital Communication System
Analog Electronics Ckt
Control System
Cryptography & Network Security
Data communication & Networking
Digital Electronics ckt
Electromagnetic Theory
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Engineering Mathematics
Microcontroller & Embedded System
Microwave Communication & Engineering
Mobile & Cellular Communication
Satellite Communication
Signal And System
Mobile Communication By Jochen Schiller, 2nd Edition
Mobile Communications_Engineering-Theory &_Applications By W.C. Lee, TMH Pub.
Wireless and Cellular Communications by W.C. Lee, TMH Pub.
Mobile Communications Handbook Engineering.
Wirless Communications Principals and Practices By Rappaort
I'm trying to find more books for Mobile & Cellular Communication.
as fast as i would get,i'll upload it soon.meanwhile download available books.
Other Ebooks Links:
Analog And Digital Communication System
Analog Electronics Ckt
Control System
Cryptography & Network Security
Data communication & Networking
Digital Electronics ckt
Electromagnetic Theory
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Engineering Mathematics
Microcontroller & Embedded System
Microwave Communication & Engineering
Mobile & Cellular Communication
Satellite Communication
Signal And System